Building Open
Monday- Thursday 9:30am - 8:00pm
Friday 10:00am- 5:00pm
Saturday 9:30am-5:00pm
*Sundays (Oct 1- April 30) 12:00pm-4:00pm
2025 Closings
January 1st - New Year's Day
January 20th - Martin Luther King
February 17th- Presidents' Day
May 26th- Memorial Day
June 19th- Juneteenth
July 4th- 4th of July
September 1st- Labor Day
October 13th- Columbus Day
November 4th - Election Day
November 11th - Veterans Day
November 27th&28th - Thanksgiving
December 25th - Christmas
1130 E Main Street, Shrub Oak, NY 10588
Call Us On
Phone Extensions: Circulation Desk x721 Adult Reference Desk x727 Children's Reference Desk x747 Adult Program Coordinator x251 Hart to the Homebound x723
Email: reference@yorktownlibrary.org
Director: Email: director@yorktownlibrary.org Phone: 914 245 5262 ext 242
♥ Next to Town Hall Book Drop ♥
Library users in the Town of Yorktown will now have the convenience of returning library items to a new outdoor book and media return installed in the parking lot at Yorktown Town Hall. 363 Underhill Ave, Yorktown Heights, NY. The town book drop is picked up Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All items are backdated to the last day of pickup. The library book drop is always open, you may return your books and DVDs to the outside drop.