Access Ancestry Library Edition
(access from the library public computers)
Hart Library Local History Collection
The Yorktown History Scrapbooks
The library maintains 6 volumes of news clippings and other ephemera covering Yorktown’s rich history. Check the Index for subjects and people mentioned covered in this collection.
♥ Appreciation:
A note of appreciation to all who helped organize and index the local history collection. With special thanks to Sharon Kullberg who undertook the monumental task of creating the database and to Martha Mesiti who started it all. We would also like to acknowledge past librarians who collected and preserved this material, with special recognition to Joyce Coe and Florence Stevens, we thank them for their inspiration.
Library Local History Book Collection
The library collects about more than 200 books related to local history in Yorktown and surrounding areas.
Newspapers Resources
NY historical newspapers, including Journal News.
Home Access - Yorktown Library Cardholder Only/ Library Access - Library PCs
Yorktown Newspapers Library microfilm holdings (post soon)
The Yorktown Obituary Index
Search the index for obituaries from the North County News between Oct. 1966 and Dec. 2007. (Issues missing from our collection were not included in the index)
The Obituary Scrapbook
Click on the above link for the full text obituaries from The Evening Star. the North County News Online, the New York Times, and other sources.
Field Library Obituary Index
Field Library Obituary Index is for local area newspapers back to the mid-1800s.