
John C Hart Memorial Library Loan Policies

Type of MaterialNo. That Can Be BorrowedLoan PeriodLate Fee
Adult Books753 Weeks.10/day to a maximum of $5.00
CDs, Audiobooks 203 Weeks.10/day to a maximum of $5.00
Magazines201 Week.10/day to a maximum of $5.00
Children's Books753 Weeks.05/day to a maximum of $5.00
Express DVDs37 Days/No Renewal$2.00/day to a maximum of $10.00
DVDs2014 Days/1 Renewal$1.00/day to a maximum of $5.00
Children's DVDs2014 Days/1 Renewal$1.00/day to a maximum of $5.00
14 Day BooksNo Limit14 Days/No Renewal.25/day to a maximum of $5.00
Video Games214 Days/No Renewal$2.00/day to a maximum of $10.00


20 magazines per card, 1 week circulation
20 music CDs per card; except for seasonal selections which have are limited to 5 per card
20 DVDs per card, 1 week circulation
no limit juvenile kits
10 adult audiobooks and 4 Playaways per card
2 J video game per library card
*These limitations do not pertain to anything on hold. Renewals subject to certain limitations.

Renewals:  All materials may be renewed by phone, in person at the library during library hours, on the library home page at any time, or by calling Tel-Circ 245-5262 after hours, if there are no reserve orders waiting. Items without any holds on them will be automatically renewed by the system.

Returns:  Materials borrowed from the John C Hart Library may be returned to any library in the Westchester Library System. Likewise, materials borrowed from another library in the Westchester Library System may be returned to the John C Hart Library.

Book Drop: In addition to returning them to the library, (our book drop is open when we are closed), books can be returned at a library book drop at Yorktown Town Hall 363 Underhill Ave, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.

Library Policies

Mission Statement       Membership      The Library Bill of Rights      The Freedom to Read Statement

Additional Information on the Privacy of Patron Data

Bulletin Board Policy

Children’s Computer use

Code of Conduct

Computer Use

Gift Policy

Library Card Policy

Photo Policy

Privacy Policy

Proctoring Policy

Record Retention

Room Use Policy

Study Room Policy

Temperature Policy


Unattended Children & Stranded Patron

Video Surveillance

Volunteer Program

Whistle Blower


Application for Use of the Community Room